How to Access Watson Library Resources Off-Network - Watson WiFi, your own laptop on wireless; in your own home, not VPN; off campus, iPad. As a Wilmington High School "visiting researcher" you will be given a special WHS temporary login and password, good for off-campus use.
Your temporary login and password will allow you to search the OhioLINK databases such as Academic Search Complete, Masterfile Complete, the Literary Reference Center, and other EBSCO databases. You will also be able to read ebooks from the OPAL catalog. Your login and password will be good through the end of the semester.
When you visit Watson Library you may use one of our networked library lab computers, or you may use the Guest Wireless. Ask for login details when you visit.
Please contact Watson Library staff, 937.481.2345 or 481.2297 or HERE if you have questions about using these resources off-campus OR for any research questions!