Monday: | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM | |
Tuesday: | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM | |
Wednesday: | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM | |
Thursday: | 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM | |
Friday: | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM | |
Saturday: | CLOSED | |
Sunday: | CLOSED | |
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Schedule a Librarian |
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Library Calendar |
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937.481.2345 |
The S. Arthur Watson Library serves as the focal point of a student’s academic life at Wilmington College. As a gateway for both independent and collective learning, research, and discovery our library strives to offer constant academic support as our students learn, explore, and grow. In this effort, we work hard to provide quality resources and services for our students, faculty, and staff, helping to facilitate access to information and technology while providing a superior educational experience.
The Watson Library and/or our staff hold active membership with the following organizations:
Mission Statement:
The mission of Wilmington College Watson Library is to meet the information needs of the campus community through various means: providing books, periodicals, electronic resources, and other materials on-site, facilitating access to external information sources, and actively teaching information literacy skills. Additionally, the library serves as the official archives for Wilmington College, preserving and making available historical records related to the college and its cultural surroundings in Southwest Ohio. The library also houses the Quaker Rare Collection, including the archives of Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting and Wilmington Yearly Meeting, as part of its cultural preservation efforts.
Vision Statement:
Our vision for the Watson Library is to be acknowledged as a distinctive institution that equips individuals to thrive in a global information society. We aim to create an inclusive environment that values our institutional heritage, embraces technological advancements, and promotes unity through diversity.
Rules for Library Duplication: Section 108 of Title 17 of the U.S. Code permits libraries to make limited copies of copyrighted materials for three purposes: 1) preservation of the library collection; 2) copies for private study by user; and 3) copies to forward as the result of Inter-Library Loan requests. See:
Preservation: There is no limit on the type of materials that may be copied for preservation though Title 17 provides special rules for some types of materials.
Unpublished Materials: Unpublished materials may be copied if 1) they are currently in the library collection; and 2) the copies are solely for preservation or security; 3) copies may also be made for deposit in another of the library.
Published Materials: Published materials may be copied if 1) copies are solely for replacement of an item that has been damaged, lost, or has become obsolete; and 2) the library conducts reasonable investigation to determine that a new replacement cannot be obtained for a fair price.
Digital Copy Exception: Unless expressly authorized in writing by the copyright holder, digital copies, intended solely for preservation purposes, cannot be accessed or shared outside the library premises. The Watson Library may have obtained such authorization, which could be transferable subject to an agreement with the Library Administration.
Copies for Private Study: Copies of articles, book chapters, and other short works may be made by the library under the following conditions: 1) the copy becomes the user's property; 2) the library has no knowledge that the copied material will be used for any purpose other than private study or research; and 3) a copyright warning message is prominently displayed in all areas where copies are made.
Copies of Complete Books or a Substantial Part of a Larger work:
The library may copy the above type of resources if; 1) the library conducts a reasonable investigation to determine that a copy of the work cannot be purchased at a fair price; 2) the copy becomes the property of the user; 3) the Library has no information that the copy is for anything other than private study or research; and 4) the Library displays a copyright warning message in all areas where copies are made.
Music Scores: Special rules apply. The individual wishing to reproduce the music score must research and determine appropriate copyright compliance.
Copies for Inter-Library Loan:
Library as a Provider or Sender:
The Library may copy and send materials so long as the Private Study conditions listed in the source contract are met.
Library as a Requester: The Library may not request copies from an individual work or journal in such aggregate quantities that the requests substitute for the purchase of the entire work or journal.
Guidelines: The National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU) suggests that in a calendar year a library may receive up to 5 copies of articles from the most recent 5 years of a particular journal. The library maintains request records to track usage.
Copy Machines, Scanners, and Other Duplicating Machinery in the Library:
Notice of U.S. Copyright Laws: The library will post on all duplicating machinery the following notice:
The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproduction of copyrighted material. The person using this equipment is liable for any infringement.
Course Reserves: The professor/instructor placing material on reserve at the Library’s Circulation Desk is responsible for determining whether his/her duplication of materials (if any) is permissible under Title 17, USC and is responsible for any infringement.
Fair Use: Fair Use is a statutory exception to the provisions of the United States copyright law allowing individuals and libraries under limited circumstances to use copyrighted works without the consent of the copyright owners. This exception was created to promote the growth of knowledge and allow for creativity using existing works.
Fair Use is determined by using a balancing test in which the potential user must balance the four factors below:
For the American Library Association’s discussion on Fair Use see:
Copyright Information: The Watson Library provides links to information about Fair Use to students, faculty, and staff on the Library's Copyright Resource Center website.
Special Collections: Watson Library’s Special Collections include donated and deposited materials for which Wilmington College – Watson Library does not control the copyright.
Sometime after 2014, Watson Library instituted a practice of requesting formal transfer of copyright to Wilmington College – Watson Library at the time materials are donated. Copyrights on Quaker materials on deposit by the Yearly Meetings are retained by the Yearly Meetings. However, Watson Library has negotiated formal agreements concerning specified older materials so that the library can make them available for research and digital preservation.
Watson Library reserves the copyright for all materials in the Special Collections for which it can claim copyright. The library issues formal permission for limited use of selected materials. Items selected to be made available in any external digital repositories will be assigned Creative Commons “Attribution, CC BY” licenses to encourage and facilitate scholarly research.
Cooperative Collection Development and Resource Sharing:
Due to Watson Library’s limited budget and inability to physically collect all materials relevant to Wilmington College’s curriculum, the library’s collection development plan focuses not only on ownership of materials but also on access to them. Through memberships in the OPAL, OhioLINK consortiums, and access to the SearchOhio consortium, OCLC’s Worldshare Inter-Library Loan System, and the internet, the library can connect patrons to vast quantities of information resources. This type of access requires that the library staff actively participate in cooperative collection development, resource sharing, and document delivery systems. When determining whether an item should be added to the physical collection or accessed on demand through other collections or formats, the library will consider projected use, cost, storage space, and ease of access. Participating in resource sharing enhances the library’s ability to expand the information base available to its users and to extend access for online resources, making them available 24/7/365.
Selection of Materials:
In general, the following criteria are used to evaluate materials considered for acquisition and inclusion in the Watson Library collection:
Tools used in Making Acquisition Decisions:
The Library selects print and non-print materials from several professional selection tools. These include:
Faculty Input into Acquisition Decisions:
Watson librarians interact with faculty members to determine the materials most useful for instruction and research in their fields. The library attempts to maintain a collection that meets or exceeds those needs. Faculty members are strongly encouraged to recommend resources for purchase.
Selection Responsibility:
Final responsibility for selection of materials rests with the librarians to interpret and guide the application of the selection policy and procedures in making day to day decisions.
As a service to the community, the library will accept gifts and donations that meet the library’s collection development policies and that have no conditions placed upon their ultimate disposition.
Generally, databases are acquired through consortium partnerships. The library will consider faculty requests for databases not included in consortium packages.
The library provides access to numerous digital periodicals through its consortium partnerships. The library also holds a small number of print newspapers and periodicals that are non-circulating. This collection includes a few popular publications as well as scholarly journals which are acquired on the recommendations of faculty. Generally, the Library will not duplicate items that are available online.
Retention Policies/ Weeding:
Factors Considered in Determining Whether an Item Should be Retained in the Collection
Collection Evaluation Schedule:
The collection will be evaluated, and items rescinded as time and resources permit.
Disposition of Weeded Materials:
Weeded materials will be:
The following criteria are used to evaluate materials considered for inclusion in the Watson Library collection:
Watson Library has very limited space for housing its print collection. As a service to the alumni, faculty, and community of Wilmington College, the Library will accept gifts and donations that have no conditions placed upon their ultimate disposition. Gifts that meet the selection criteria listed above may be added to the collection. Items not added to the collection will be offered to other libraries; sold at the Library; sold to private vendors of used books; or recycled at the discretion of the Library Director and other library staff to whom she has delegated this authority.
Library Services Access Eligibility:
Students in Good Standing Have the Following Privileges:
-Check out circulating materials housed in Watson Library
-Check out OPAL and OhioLINK materials
-Check out circulating Media materials
-Access inter-Library Loan (ILL) Services
-Access to Library computers and wireless internet access
-Access to Wilmington College and OhioLINK databases
-Access to reference and reserve materials in the library
Faculty/Staff Have the Following Privileges:
-Check out circulating materials housed in Watson Library
-Check out OPAL and OhioLINK materials
-Check out circulating Media materials
-Access inter-Library Loan (ILL) Services
-Access to Library computers and wireless internet access
-Access to Wilmington College and OhioLINK databases
-Access to reference and reserve materials in the library
Retired Faculty in Good Standing:
Retired faculty members have access to Watson Library, OPAL, and OhioLINK materials, databases, and services.
Library Services for Online or Remote Faculty and Students:
Online or otherwise off-campus faculty and students have the same remote access to all OPAL, OhioLINK, and SearchOhio resources that are available to main campus patrons. Databases and eBooks are accessible through the OPAL Proxy. Print materials may be requested through the OPAL Catalog using the OPAL Proxy and delivered to any OhioLINK Library that allows patrons to choose the Pick-up-anywhere option.
Online or off-campus faculty and students have access to personal reference services from Watson Library Librarians via the "Ask Us" link on left side of the website, phone, or video chat during regular business hours. Online teaching faculty may request the purchase of selected books and/or media and then borrow those items from the library collections to support course instruction.
PSEO (Postsecondary Enrollment Options) Students:
Wilmington College participates in the PSEO program in which high School students may enroll and complete courses to earn both high school and college credit. PSEO students have the same Library privileges and obligations as all WC Students.
Community Patrons:
Effective August 2022: Community patrons who hold a library card in good standing with the Wilmington Public Library of Clinton County and/or a library card from a SWON Member Library may borrow library materials under the same rules as OhioLink, OPAL or State Library of Ohio library card holders.
Wilmington Public Library Leisure Reading Collection:
The Wilmington Public Library collection of leisure reading books located on the Main Level of the Watson Library are circulated through the Wilmington Public Library system and remain the property of the public library. Wilmington College faculty, students, and staff must have a Wilmington Public Library card to check out these materials. Borrowing privileges of the public library card extend to accessing online subscriptions provided by the public library via their website.
Fines/Damaged or Lost Materials:
Community patrons are subject to the rules, regulations, and obligations of their library card’s issuing institution regarding fines, damaged or lost materials.
Community Members under 18 years of age:
Borrowing Privileges:
Community patrons under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and may use their OhioLINK, OPAL, or State Library of Ohio library card to check out Watson Library circulating materials. The number of items that may be checked out at one time is based on the Loan Rules of the card holder’s institution.
Other Borrowing Privileges:
Visiting students, scholars, and community patrons may use their OhioLINK, OPAL, or State Library of Ohio library card to check out Watson Library circulating materials. The number of items that may be checked out at one time is based on the Loan Rules of the card holder’s institution.
Computer and Internet Use Policy:
All users of the Wilmington College computer and wireless network must accept, sign, and abide by the WC Computer/Network Policy. Students, faculty, and staff sign the Policy during the admissions/orientation process or in the Human Resources office when hired. Community members see Community Borrowers section of this document.
Visiting students, scholars, and community patrons may obtain computer or WI-FI access, if the computer or space is not needed by WC faculty or students, by checking in at the Circulation Desk. Each time a visitor wishes to use a Library computer or obtain WI-FI access, he or she must check in at the Circulation Desk, sign the WC Computer/Network Policy, and be logged on to a computer or given the WI-FI access code by a staff member. Visitors will be asked to surrender the computer or space if a WC faculty member or student needs it.
Use of WC computers and internet access is only available for research purposes. Community patrons wanting to access the internet for recreational or other purposes will be directed to the Wilmington Public Library. Community patrons must accept and sign the WC Computer/Network Use Policy which is available at the Circulation Desk.
Community Members under 18 years of age - Internet Use:
Community patrons under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to use the computers or the internet. A parent or legal guardian must sign the WC Computer/Network Policy. The WC Computer/Network Policy form must be signed by the parent or legal guardian each time the underage Community Member(s) wish to access a WC computer or the WC network.
Printing and Photocopying:
The library provides access to computers that are linked to printers. Patrons can choose to print in black and white, or color. The library also provides access to a photocopier that prints out black and white copies.
Student Printing:
Students are charged 10 cents per page for black and white and 20 cents per page for printing on Library printers through their Papercut account.
Students receive $15 on their Papercut account each semester for their printing needs. If a student depletes their Papercut account and needs to add funds, they should visit the IT Department.
Students may use the photocopier at no charge.
Faculty and Staff:
Faculty and staff may use the library printers and photocopier for instructional or departmental purposes free of charge.
Community Members:
Community members are charged 10 cents per page for black and white prints or photocopies, and 20 cents per page for color prints.
Library Accounts:
Upon enrollment or employment, WC assigns students, faculty, and staff with a unique identification number (ID). This identification number (ID) with three zeros proceeding it is a student’s, faculty, or staff member’s Library barcode, it must be a total of nine digits, example: 000######. Students, faculty, and staff may check out materials by providing this number to the staff member or student worker at Circulation Desk.
A WC Library barcode can be used to check-out Watson Library, OPAL and OhioLINK materials, and to access the WC and OhioLINK databases.
Wilmington Public Library Accounts:
Starting August 2022, the Watson Library has an established collection of local Wilmington Public Library books on the Main Level of the Library. These books are circulated through the Wilmington Public Library system and remain the property of the public library.
Watson Library staff can assist patrons with acquiring a Wilmington Public Library card to check out items from the public library’s on-campus collection. Though this card is issued on the Watson Library premise, it strictly applies to accessing public library materials and web resources only, and public library policies (not Watson Library policies) govern the proper use of these materials.
Local Borrowing Policies:
Loan Period:
Most Watson Library, OPAL, and OhioLINK Library print materials check-out for 3 weeks. Media checks-out for 1 week.
Wilmington Public Library Material Loan Period:
Any Wilmington Public Library materials circulated after acquiring a Wilmington Public Library card in the Watson Library are subject to the circulation rules of the public library. Please review the Wilmington Public Library website for circulation rules.
Most print materials may be renewed up to six (6) additional three (3)-week periods unless a hold has been placed on the item. Media may be renewed up to six (6) additional one (1)-week periods unless a hold has been placed on the item.
For local items, special permission by the Library Director may be granted to extend the loan period beyond the six (6) renewals.
Holds and Recalls:
If a patron requests an item that is currently checked out, a hold may be placed on the item that will prevent its renewal. In many situations a second copy can be quickly obtained through OPAL, OhioLINK, or SearchOhio. The library may recall a checked-out item if an instructor wishes to place it on reserve.
Watson Library waives all fines that are levied through our shared integrated catalog system if all materials are returned and not damaged.
Damaged/Lost Materials:
If Library materials are lost or damaged by a patron, they will be charged based on either the by OPAL or OhioLINK Consortium agreements.
Blocking/Suspension of Library Privileges:
Library privileges may be suspended if a patron has incurred library fines or replacement fees.
Access to Non-local Materials:
As of August 2022, the Watson Library is a member of three consortia: OPAL, OhioLINK, and SWON. As a member in each organization patrons have borrowing privileges through OhioLINK to SearchOhio library materials. If an item is not available locally, patrons may borrow items through OPAL, OhioLINK or SearchOhio.
Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Services:
If a material, print or periodical, is not available locally, through OPAL, OhioLINK, or SearchOhio, a request may be made through Inter-Library Loan services. Access to this service is limited to research projects and must be approved by a Watson Library reference librarian.
Watson Library waives all fines that are levied through our shared integrated catalog system if all consortia materials are returned and not damaged.
Damaged/Lost Materials:
If Library materials are lost or damaged by a patron, they will be charged based on either the by OPAL or OhioLINK Consortium agreements.
Consortia Agreements:
OPAL Consortium:
Watson Library is a member of OPAL (Ohio Private Academic Library). Through this membership the library shares an online catalog and is granted privileges to borrow from OhioLINK and SearchOhio. If an item is not available locally, patrons may search the OPAL catalog online, borrow items from OPAL member libraries, and have these items sent to Watson Library at no charge. Items are delivered to Watson Library in approximately 3-10 working days.
OhioLINK Consortium:
Watson Library is a member of OhioLINK (Ohio Library and Information Network) through its membership in OPAL. OhioLINK is a consortium of Ohio’s college and university academic libraries, and the State Library of Ohio. If library materials are not available locally or through OPAL, Library patrons may search the OhioLINK catalog online, borrow materials from OhioLINK, and have the items sent to Watson Library at no charge. Items are delivered to Watson Library in approximately 3-10 working days.
OhioLINK Borrowing Policies:
OhioLINK Library print materials check-out for 3 weeks. Media checks-out for 1 week.
Print materials may be renewed up to 6 additional 3-week periods unless a hold has been placed on the item. Media may be renewed up to 6 additional 1-week periods unless a hold has been placed on the item.
For local items, special permission by the Library Director may be granted to extend the loan period beyond the 6 renewals.
Holds and Recalls:
If a patron requests an item that is currently checked out, a hold may be placed on the item that will prevent its renewal. In many situations a second copy can be quickly obtained through OPAL, OhioLINK, or SearchOhio. The library may recall a checked-out item if an instructor wishes to place it on reserve.
SearchOhio is a consortium of 26 public libraries in the state of Ohio. SearchOhio is a member of the OhioLink consortium and the State Library of Ohio network and is therefore available to Ohio Library patrons.
SWON Consortium:
As of August 2022, the Watson Library is a member of the SouthWest Ohio and Neighboring Libraries (SWON) consortium. SWON is a cooperative of area libraries organized to promote library services among and through member institutions. SWON Libraries consists of academic, public, school, and special libraries in southwest Ohio and northern Kentucky. SWON helps librarians and library staff learn from each other through Special Interest Groups, webinars, Level-Up Labs, and community resources shared online.
Reference Materials:
Role of the Reference Collection:
The library maintains a collection of print reference materials that are relevant to the curriculum and research needs of the Wilmington College community. The reference collection includes both print and electronic resources including encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, statistical sources, biographic sources, geographical sources, indexes, abstracts, and Credo Reference.
Location of the Print Reference Collection:
As of August 2023, Watson Library’s reference collection is housed in an area to the right of the main front entrance door.
Reference Usage:
Reference materials may be used by all library patrons but are non-circulating and do not leave the library.
Reference Re-shelving and Statistics:
After using reference materials, patrons are asked to leave the item on a cart or table in the reference area. Circulation staff members will collect these materials, scan them for usage, and then re-shelve them.
Faculty members may place personal or Watson Library materials on reserve for the use of Wilmington College students. Requests to reserve materials can be made online here. Once information has been provided, the item will then be sent to Technical Services for processing. A minimum of 3 business days should be allowed for the processing of reserve materials. The reserves processing may take 2 to 3 weeks at the beginning of a semester.
Location of and Access to Reserve Materials:
Reserve materials are housed behind the Circulation Desk in Watson Library and are arranged alphabetically according to the instructor’s name. Students may check-out a reserve item for 2 hours using their Library barcode – three zeroes and their student ID (000######). Reserve materials may not leave the library.
Fines for Reserve Materials:
Overdue fines for reserve materials are 50 cents per hour.
Shelving and Stack Maintenance:
It is the responsibility of the Watson Library staff to ensure that all Library materials are properly shelved using the Library of Congress classification order.
Re-shelving Materials Used in the Library:
Library patrons are asked not to re-shelve Library materials after use, instead they are asked to leave the item(s) on a cart, a table, or return the item(s) to the Circulation Desk. Circulation staff members will collect these materials, scan them for usage, and then re-shelve them.
Copyright Compliance:
Watson Library staff comply with U.S. Copyright Law in its own activities and encourages patrons to act within the bounds of this law when duplicating materials.
The library shall post the following on all reproducing equipment (photocopiers, scanners, etc):
The making of a copy of a work in library’s collection may constitute copyright infringement. Thus, Watson Library – Wilmington College is not liable for copyright infringement by an unsupervised patron on the library’s premises.
Handling of Cash:
The circulation staff collects cash for printing, book sales, lost materials, and donations. All cash collected is entered into the Cash Ledger with an accompanying notation about its origin. Watson Library staff count the cash drawer, reconcile it with the Cash Ledger and deposit the cash in the library’s account through the Business Office or OneStop.
Missing Library Materials:
If an item is listed as available in the online library system but cannot be found in the designate location on the shelf, a second Watson Library staff member completes a double-check for the item. If the item still is not found after the second shelf-check, a library staff member will change the status to Missing in the system.
Basic Assistance with Computers and Library Technology:
Library staff members provide basic instruction in the use of library computers and other devises. The staff will also provide basic problem-solving assistance with the technology. Technology issues beyond the basic problem-solving level will be referred to the IT Department.
Exhibits and Displays:
Displays in the Library are the shared responsibility of the library staff. All Library items used in displays must be checked out to the Donna Display account.
Patron Conduct:
The library endeavors to provide a comfortable, inviting, safe environment where students, faculty members, staff, and community members can study, attend instruction sessions, and conduct research. The following guidelines promote this environment.
Food and Drink in the Library:
Patrons may eat and drink in the library taking care to protect Library materials, furnishings, and technology. Patrons should properly dispose of all empty containers before leaving the library.
Smoking is prohibited on the Wilmington College Campus.
The Use of Drugs and/or Alcohol:
Drugs and alcohol are prohibited on the Wilmington College Campus.
Cell Phones:
Cell phone use is permitted on the Main Level of the library. Cell phone use on the second floor is also permitted, however the second level is a designated "Quiet Zone" and respect for other library patrons should be maintained.
Noise Restrictions – Courtesy in the Library:
The library is a place for study, research, and learning. Though conversations are not prohibited, patrons should take care in not disturbing others who are using the library. Library staff will remind patrons of this if their conversations are causing a disturbance.
Abusive Behavior:
Abusive behavior towards staff or patrons will not be tolerated. In this situation Library staff will contact Campus Safety – 937-382-0100 or 937-481-2311 or dial 9-911.
Intellectual Freedom/Challenges to Material:
The library upholds the tradition of intellectual freedom. It adheres to and supports the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement. The library does not act as an agent for or against specific ideas, but rather seeks to maintain the free flow of information in the selection of library materials believing that diversity of ideas, regardless of point of view, is important in promoting critical thinking and learning.
ALA Library Bill of Rights:
ALA Freedom to Read Statement:
Challenges/Objections to Materials:
Because of the Library’s commitment to intellectual freedom, there may be materials in the collection that are of concern to some individuals or groups. The holding of such materials does not imply agreement with or endorsement of their contents. It does, however, enable the library to fulfill its role of supporting the College curriculum by presenting a diversity of perspectives.
The library has developed a process for reconsidering materials that for a variety of reasons raise patron’s concerns. Patrons may request reconsideration of library materials or resources by filling out the Request to Reevaluate Library Materials form. The Library Director and administrative staff will review the request and decide concerning the continued inclusion of the item in the collection and will notify the individual making the request.
Lending to Patrons Under Age:
At our library, we prioritize the responsible selection and lending of materials to patrons under 18 years old. We carefully evaluate and consider the appropriateness of questionable materials, taking into account their content and potential impact on young minds. Our goal is to provide a safe and enriching environment for all patrons, while also respecting the diverse needs and sensitivities of our community.
Wilmington Public Library Materials:
The Watson Library houses a local collection generously provided by the Wilmington Public Library of Clinton County. The lending of these materials to patrons under the age of 18 follows the guidelines and agreements set by the patron and their parent or guardian during the establishment of their account with the public library. When it comes to materials belonging to the public library, the Watson Library and our staff adhere strictly to these established guidelines, ensuring that lending decisions are made without any arbitrary judgement.
Reference Services Guidelines:
Access Eligibility:
Students, Faculty, & Staff: Wilmington College students, faculty, and staff may use the reference collection in the library and may access reference services in person, by telephone, or email.
Guests: Guests, after signing in at the Circulation Desk, may use the reference collection in the library. Guest access to the reference services is at the discretion of the Library Director or the Reference Librarians.
Nature of Reference Services Provided:
Instructional: Since the Library is part of an educational institution, reference service is often instructional in nature, fostering student’s information literacy and self-sufficiency through instruction in methods of research, tools of research, and the ability to evaluate the quality and relevance of the research material retrieved. Reference service includes instruction in the use of bibliographic resources, assistance in developing research strategies, assistance in locating complex data, and assistance with the retrieval of data through electronic means.
Information Retrieval and Research Assistance:
Reference Services involves providing factual answers, retrieving requested materials in specific subject areas, and retrieving and packaging bibliographic or statistical information.
Reference Services for Faculty Members:
The Reference Librarians are available to assist faculty members with curriculum development and academic research projects. Reference services for faculty members may include monograph and article searches, literature reviews, and compilation of bibliographies. The extent and nature of reference services provided is negotiated between faulty and reference staff members on a case-by-case basis and ultimately is provided at the discretion of the Reference Librarians.
Types of Reference Service
Walk-in Reference: The “Ask Us” desk in the library atrium is manned by experienced Reference Librarians. A Reference Librarian is usually available during the open hours of the library for consultation and may be contacted by asking the at the Circulation Desk.
Reference Appointments: Students, faculty, and staff members wishing to work with a Reference Librarian on complex issues or projects may schedule a reference consultation by contacting the Reference Librarians through email, by telephone, or by contacting a Librarian individually.
Email Reference: Students, faculty, and staff members may contact the Reference Librarians using the "Ask Us" button on the left.
Telephone Reference: Students, faculty, and staff members may request reference services by calling the Reference Desk during normal business hours.
Video Chat Reference: Effective August 1, 2022, the Watson Library website utilizes a free video chatroom service named Jitsi. This service is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, and by appointment.
The Creation and Maintenance of Research Aids and Finding Tools:
The Watson Library can develop and implement printed and online finding aids, research guides, and user interfaces to support independent research and end-user searching.
Limitations to Reference Services:
Reference staff will not:
Recording and Evaluation of Reference Services:
The Watson Library may record various statistics relating to reference transactions. All statistics remain anonymous and no private information is retained.
RUSA Professional Competencies for Reference and User Service and the RUSA Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Services Providers.
The Reference Department promotes and endeavors to carry out the guidelines expressed by the ALA Reference and Users Association. Links to these documents are listed below.
The Watson Library is committed to an accessible experience to all faculty, staff, students, and members of the WC community. In collaboration with the appropriate College resource centers, the library will make every effort to accommodate requests for assistance in accessing, and making use of library resources, materials, and services.
If you need assistance, talk to our staff and librarians at the Watson Library Circulation Desk, call us at 937.481.2345, or use the "Ask Us" button on the left to send us a message.
Service Animals:
Service animals are allowed in the Watson Library for patrons with needs. No other animals are permitted in the building.
Scanning Requests and OCR:
The library can accommodate ADA scanning requests for print materials for Wilmington College students who have a documented disability through Disability Services.
Online Services:
When negotiating access to electronic resources, the library works with vendors to ensure they offer a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). The VPAT is a document that explains how electronic resources licensed by the library meet Revised 508 Standards for IT accessibility. While many vendors with whom we work have a VPAT in place for their resources, there are others still working to tailor a VPAT for their resources.
While many of our web pages and resources have been reviewed for established guidelines for accessibility, there are many legacy materials that are not yet fully compliant with those guidelines.
If you have difficulty accessing any part of our website or any of our online tools, use the "Ask Us" button on the left to send us a message.
Borrowing Accommodations:
You can request items from the library’s collections through the OPAL Catalog. Requested material will be held at the Watson Library Circulation Desk for pick-up. An automated email will be sent once the material is available for pick-up.
WC Community members unable to visit the library in person can designate a proxy to borrow materials on their behalf.
For more information, please contact the library at 937.481.2345
Library Privacy Statement updated July 2023.
The Watson Library may collect some data about your library use in order to improve services and to integrate with broader college teaching and learning initiatives.
What data does the library collect?
We collect information when you use the library resources and services such as:
Commitment to Privacy and Confidentiality
We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all patron data in compliance with federal and state laws, college policy, and professional standards (e.g. American Library Association).
Library data is considered an institutional asset and may be accessed and used only by authorized college entities according to procedures identified by the College. No person or entity may access library data, except through strict policy and processes established by the college.
Data Collection
Library Systems
When you use library applications, systems, and websites, you generate data. We use and store these data to provide and improve services and resources.
Third Party Vendors
The library does license services and/or content from third party vendors who have their own privacy policies and confidentiality practices. When you leave the library website, your interaction with these systems will be governed by their individual privacy policies. Check the privacy statements for specific vendors to learn how your data is stored and used by them.
Library Privacy FAQ’s:
Can I see data about my use of Library services?
You can view your library materials that you have checked out by logging into your OPAL library account here. For other library service data requests, you can contact us via the "Ask Us" button on the left to send us a message.
Is personally identifying information publicly available?
No. Any published data will be in aggregate form or otherwise stripped of identifying information.
I’m not currently a Wilmington College faculty, staff, or student. Are you collecting data about my use of Library services?
How long will you keep data about the use of Library services?
It depends on the data and how we are using it. Some data will be kept indefinitely, other data is stored and used for shorter periods. We only keep data if it is useful for the services we provide.
Does the library use Google Analytics?
No. The Wilmington College Benedictine Library uses Matomo analytics as opposed to using Google Analytics. Matomo provides a GDPR-centric solution for web analytics and their corporate privacy statement can be reviewed here. The library does not support the use of Google Analytics in any of its platforms or adjacent web services, and we provide transparent access to all website related patron data via our library assessment webpage.
Who can I contact for more information about this policy?
Please use the "Ask Us" button on the left to send us a message and we will get back to you promptly.
Does FERPA affect data use or collection?
Yes. Wilmington College complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Federal law that governs release of and access to student education records.
Special Collections:
Watson Library maintains two special collections: the Quaker Collection; and the Wilmington College Archives.
The Quaker Collection:
In 1871 the Society of Friends purchased property in Wilmington, Ohio and opened Wilmington College the following year. Wilmington College remains to this day affiliated with the Society of Friends. Due to the College’s Quaker origins and continuing affiliation, Watson Library collects Quaker materials.
These materials fall into two distinct categories: deposit materials stored for the local Quaker Meeting; and materials focusing on the beliefs, practices, and history of the Society of Friends.
Depository Materials:
The library accepts documents from the Wilmington Yearly Meeting and the Ohio Valley Yearly meeting. Documents are deposited at the discretion of the Meetings. The Meetings retain ownership and control of deposited documents. Documents deposited in the library collection may include but are not limited to:
The library requests that the Meetings include an inventory and Identifying notations on the documents deposited. The library does not accept three dimensional objects and suggests that donors contact the Quaker Heritage Center.
Digitization of Wilmington and Ohio Valley Yearly Meetings Materials:
All records of the Wilmington and Ohio Valley Yearly Meetings, including Quarterly Meeting records on deposit at Watson Library, will be eligible for digitization and permanent storage in an open online repository when they are older than fifty (50) years.
All Monthly Meeting records on deposit will be eligible for digitization when they are older than fifty (50) years unless the Monthly Meeting requests that they not be digitized. Monthly Meetings wishing to opt out of digitization access process should contact their Yearly Meeting and the Watson Library staff.
Access to the Wilmington and Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Records:
Depository documents created within twenty-five (25) years of the current date may only be accessed by members of the record issuing body, i.e., Monthly, quarterly, or yearly meeting. Non-affiliated researchers may access these documents with written permission from appropriate representatives of the issuing body.
The issuing body may choose to restrict categories of records they affect the privacy of individuals. Such restrictions may apply for a period not exceeding fifty (50) years from the record date.
Library Owned Quaker Materials:
The library’s Quaker collection includes both archival/rare works (Quaker Rare) as well as more modern works concerning the Society of Friends. All Quaker materials are recorded in the OPAL catalog. Quaker Rare materials are available for in-house use with an appointment. The more modern resources circulate under the library’s circulation policies.
Wilmington College Archives:
The Wilmington College Archives documents and preserves the history of Wilmington College by identifying, preserving, and making accessible records, papers, and three-dimensional objects that are of enduring interest and value to the Wilmington College community.
Items Eligible for Inclusion into the Archives:
Items accepted into the Archives may include but are not limited to:
Access to the College Archives:
Researchers or other interested parties may access the Archives by making an appointment with the College Archivist. With a few exceptions archival material does not circulate and must be used in the library.
The Library accepts donations of archival material that, in the archivist’s estimation, fits the scope of the collection. The owner of such material must relinquish all rights of the material when it is accepted into the collection. If the material is not placed in the collection, the archivist may aid in placing it in an appropriate collection elsewhere.
Special Collections:
Watson Library maintains two special collections: the Quaker Collection; and the Wilmington College Archives.
The Quaker Collection:
In 1871 the Society of Friends purchased property in Wilmington, Ohio and opened Wilmington College the following year. Wilmington College remains to this day affiliated with the Society of Friends. Due to the College’s Quaker origins and continuing affiliation, Watson Library collects Quaker materials.
These materials fall into two distinct categories: deposit materials stored for the local Quaker Meeting; and materials focusing on the beliefs, practices, and history of the Society of Friends.
Depository Materials:
The library accepts documents from the Wilmington Yearly Meeting and the Ohio Valley Yearly meeting. Documents are deposited at the discretion of the Meetings. The Meetings retain ownership and control of deposited documents. Documents deposited in the library collection may include but are not limited to:
The library requests that the Meetings include an inventory and Identifying notations on the documents deposited. The library does not accept three dimensional objects and suggests that donors contact the Quaker Heritage Center.
Digitization of Wilmington and Ohio Valley Yearly Meetings Materials:
All records of the Wilmington and Ohio Valley Yearly Meetings, including Quarterly Meeting records on deposit at Watson Library, will be eligible for digitization and permanent storage in an open online repository when they are older than fifty (50) years.
All Monthly Meeting records on deposit will be eligible for digitization when they are older than fifty (50) years unless the Monthly Meeting requests that they not be digitized. Monthly Meetings wishing to opt out of digitization access process should contact their Yearly Meeting and the Watson Library staff.
Access to the Wilmington and Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Records:
Depository documents created within twenty-five (25) years of the current date may only be accessed by members of the record issuing body, i.e., Monthly, quarterly, or yearly meeting. Non-affiliated researchers may access these documents with written permission from appropriate representatives of the issuing body.
The issuing body may choose to restrict categories of records they affect the privacy of individuals. Such restrictions may apply for a period not exceeding fifty (50) years from the record date.
Library Owned Quaker Materials:
The library’s Quaker collection includes both archival/rare works (Quaker Rare) as well as more modern works concerning the Society of Friends. All Quaker materials are recorded in the OPAL catalog. Quaker Rare materials are available for in-house use with an appointment. The more modern resources circulate under the library’s circulation policies.
Wilmington College Archives:
The Wilmington College Archives documents and preserves the history of Wilmington College by identifying, preserving, and making accessible records, papers, and three-dimensional objects that are of enduring interest and value to the Wilmington College community.
Items Eligible for Inclusion into the Archives:
Items accepted into the Archives may include but are not limited to:
Access to the College Archives:
Researchers or other interested parties may access the Archives by making an appointment with the College Archivist. With a few exceptions archival material does not circulate and must be used in the library.
The Library accepts donations of archival material that, in the archivist’s estimation, fits the scope of the collection. The owner of such material must relinquish all rights of the material when it is accepted into the collection. If the material is not placed in the collection, the archivist may aid in placing it in an appropriate collection elsewhere.