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The EBSCO eBook Collection includes thousands of titles. These titles operate on the "library check-out" model, where readers who want to download the entire e-book have to check it out for a specified amount of time. There are also options to download individual chapters or page ranges of the e-book. These features do not have a time limit. This tab provides a detailed overview of how to access, download, and save individual EBSCO e-books within this vast collection.
Elsevier eBooks offer one of the more easy platforms for accessing eBook content. You do not need additional software to access the Watson Library Collection of Elsevier eBooks, however, these eBooks do lack some of the viewing and reading features offered by other eBook vendors.
O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform (also referred to as Safari Books Online) provides over 30,000 electronic books in computer science, information technology, and related subjects from two major publishers, O'Reilly & Associates and Pearson Technology Associates.
For access, O'Reilly Safari is unique: unlike other e-book collections at Wilmington College, Safari does not rely on your campus-wide credentials for access; instead, users are only required to provide their Wilmington College email.
Note that the Safari interface can prove confusing for initial access, so please follow the steps below to gain access. Also included on this page is an overview of how to access individual e-books within this vast collection.
Watson Library only subscribes to one collection through ProQuest eBook Central. This one collection is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) which was provided by OhioLink via an ARPA grant in early opens in a new window Titles in this collection operate on the "library check-out" model, where readers who want to download the entire e-book have to check it out for a specified amount of time. There are also options to download individual chapters or page ranges of the e-book, and these features do not have a time limit. The information below provides a detailed overview of how to access, download, and save individual e-books within this vast collection.
Salem Press is a unique eBook offering in the overall collection of Watson Library eBooks. With Salem Press, you have two options to access a title. You can access Salem Press eBooks from EBSCO, for assistance with eBooks from EBSCO, please view the "EBSCO eBooks" tutorial.
Salem Press also offers eBook access from their website as well. To get access to the native Salem Press Reference eBook collection, you will need authentication credentials to login. This guide covers that process, but please let us know if you have questions or problems at any time by using the "Ask Us" link on the left.
If you wish to download and read an entire Salem Press title, you will want to perform that action from the EBSCO interface. If you wish to read or save a small selection (a chapter or page) from a title, you may prefer the Salem Press collection website. You can save or print content from both, but browsing overall content for what is available from the Salem Press Reference Collection is much easier done by using their website.
Cambridge Core is the home of academic content from Cambridge University Press.Built with our users in mind our online platform has been designed to help readers and researchers to make fast and easy journeys to a vast range of valuable content. We consulted extensively with almost 10,000 users while developing Cambridge Core to make sure we are providing a platform that meets the needs of our researchers and customers.Cambridge Core is the place to find valuable, useful and inspirational research and academic information. With over 1.8 million journal articles and 46,000+ books, Cambridge Core is the central destination for academic research.
MIT Press Direct ebooks (off-campus link) publishes significant works from leading educators and researchers around the globe. This resource covers a wide range of topics, including art, architecture, business and management, cognitive science, computer science and artificial intelligence, design, economics, education, engineering, environmental science, linguistics, mathematics, neuroscience, philosophy, physics, technology, and social theory. These highly regarded e-books could be used as supplemental course materials across many disciplines.
Oxford Scholarship Online provides easy access to thousands of books from the world-renowned scholarly list of Oxford University Press. In July 2022 books from Oxford Scholarship Online migrated to the Oxford Academic Platform.
Up-to-date overviews of classic and current research across the Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Engineering, and Built Environment from Routledge and CRC Press.
Providing researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.
This Wiley eBooks package includes all Wiley frontlist e-books for publication years 2012-current. Does not include items categorized as reference works.