Watson Library has a variety of books and eBooks on Theatre and related topics. The books listed below are a sampling of what we have available in the library - to find more, check our library catalog, or contact us for help!
Contains more than 700 plays from over 300 dramatists of American dramatic literature.
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The Basics: Acting: The Basics
Acting: The Basics remains a practical and theoretical guide to the world of the professional actor, which skillfully combines ideas from a range of practitioners and linking the academy to the industry.
Routledge 2018
The Basics: World Theatre
World Theatre: The Basics presents a well-rounded introduction to non-Western theatre, exploring the history and current practice of theatrical traditions in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Oceania, the…
Routledge 2017
The Oxford Companion to Theatre and Performance
An authoritative reference covering primarily actors, playwrights, directors, styles and movements, companies and organizations.
Oxford University Press, Inc. 2011