Watson Library has a variety of books and eBooks on Food Policy, Agriculture Advocacy and related topics. The books listed below are a sampling of what we have available in the library - to find more, check our library catalog, or contact us for help!
Food Service Industry ERS research examines:
• the size of the growing food service market,
• the major market segments such as fast food and full-service outlets, and
• recent issues in the food service industry such as diet quality and nutrition labeling.
Projected price increases for food from the Food Consumer Price Index.
Ohio Farmer focuses on the diversified production interests of Ohio farmers. Production ranging from corn to soybeans to wheat and small grains to diversified livestock are covered locally along with farming issues such as environmental regulations and natural resources stewardship that are unique to the market.
Credo Reference is our scholarly alternative to Wikipedia. It allows you to search hundreds of reference books on a wide variety of subjects. Use this search box to browse Food Policy and Agriculture Advocacy related topics from titles including:
Women and Sustainable Business: Women in Agriculture Worldwide
Women in Agriculture Worldwide emphasizes practical and concrete solutions to address the challenges, such as lack of access to resources and infrastructure, lack of household decision-making power, and…
Routledge 2017
Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis
Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture explores the impacts of climate change on global fisheries resources and on marine aquaculture. It also offers expert suggestions on possible…
Wiley 2018