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Library System Migration: Home

A New Library Services Platform



Important Dates

March 28 - April 25: Sierra Freeze

May 2 - June 16: Alma Freeze

May 23 - June 18: OhioLINK Requesting Freeze

June 3 - June 16: Library Borrowing Offline Only

June 16: New Library System Live

June 16: OhioLINK Requesting Resumes


February 13, 2024

Last week some of the library staff attended in-person training to help better understand our new system. As we inch ever closer to our final migration to Alma/Primo we look forward to getting our system up and running for all of you. Presently, we are working towards training all the library staff to be prepared to serve you from day one.

We also ask for your patience as we navigate the transition and upcoming system freezes. If you have any issues throughout this process, please reach out to the library so we can navigate the issue together.


January 21, 2025


Hello Watson Library Patrons,

As we continue to diligently work on the transition process from our current library system to the upcoming Alma/Primo, it is our desire to give you some basic updates in the process. 

Currently, we are working on the setup for what will be the basis for our OhioLINK borrowing/lending. What we are working on at present will allow you as our patron to borrow items through OhioLINK. There will be a change to where you request these materials from. Instead of a separate OhioLINK catalog, our requesting for both local and OhioLINK materials will occur through the Primo search function. This search will allow you to request local, OhioLINK, and gain access to our online resources.

This along with many other backend setups will make our migration to the new Alma/Primo system a success. We look forward to revealing the new look to you in June!



January 8, 2025


Hello Watson Library Patrons,

Watson Library is undergoing a library system platform migration. In 2023, OhioLINK determined they would move to Ex Libris' Alma library services platform and Primo catalog for all library systems who are a part of OhioLINK. In early 2024 the library staff began the hard work of preparations to move from our current library system to the new system. Our migration to the new system will occur in June 2025.

As our faithful patrons there will be some minor inconvenience on your end while we make the transition and we all learn how to navigate a new library system. We hope that through our communications we can make the inconveniences minor. Communications throughout this process will be regular and we will be sharing tutorials and instructions on how to best use our new system in the coming months.

Here is our brief timeline:

  • Present to May 2025 - Preparation and back end migration preparations
  • May 2025 to June 2025 - Limited interruptions to library services, including requesting materials
  • June 2025 - Go Live to Alma and Primo
  • Go Live Onward - Implement additional services and support new system

Most of this transition has been and will continue to be invisible to our patrons. As the library staff are working to make this new system a great success, we will continue to use our current library catalog and system with a short interruption close to our final go live with our new system. 

This change, like many changes, can bring about opportunities. We are excited to share that with the implementation of Alma and Primo, you can look forward to these features and more:

  • Enhanced search functionality within the Primo Catalog
  • Improved resource sharing with OhioLINK, SearchOhio, and other libraries
  • Streamlined integration with online resources
  • A modern Library Mobile Platform

As we implement what we hope to be a state-of-the-art library services platform that improves our library resource access and library services. Many thanks to the hard work of the library staff, OhioLINK staff, and others who are all making this implementation happen.

As you begin to see more about this migration to the new system in the coming months and experience it yourself, please reach out if you have any questions. You can email

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