Bring the World to Your Classroom. CET and PBS have curated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for teachers.
Browse Lesson Plans by Subject: Arts, Computer Science, Foreign Language, Health, Information Literacy, Interdisciplinary, Language Arts, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, Vocational Education
The NOAA Education Portal is your one-stop shop to connect with learning and teaching resources about the ocean and atmosphere. Discover curricula, lesson plans, and real-time data to bring NOAA science into your classroom. Explore opportunities for educators and students of all levels. Apply for competitive funding for education projects.
INFOhio transforms student learning by providing equitable access to quality resources and cost-effective instructional and technical support for each student, educator, and parent in Ohio.
The MERLOT system provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers.
ENC provides the resources and support for math and science educators needed to help raise student achievement in these vital subjects.
The Smithsonian Learning Lab is about discovery, creation, and sharing.
The Smithsonian Office of Educational Technology (OET) created the Smithsonian Learning Lab to inspire the discovery and creative use of its rich digital materials—millions of images, recordings, and texts. It is easy to find something of interest because search results display pictures rather than lists. Whether you've found what you were looking for or just discovered something new, it's easy to personalize it. Add your own notes and tags, incorporate discussion questions, and save and share. The Learning Lab makes it simple.
LD OnLine knows that there are many different ways to learn, and having the right tools at school and at home can change everything. Explore our resources and help every child reach their full potential.
Some additional web resources:
Math and Science:
The NAEA Standards apply to both elementary and secondary art teachers, as well as arts educators who teach in museums, early-childhood programs, and other community settings. Users of the Standards should be careful to apply the standards that are appropriate for their setting.
About NCTE: "Since 1911, NCTE has worked to advance teaching, research, and student achievement in English language arts at all scholastic levels." NCTE and its constituent groups have developed position statements on a variety of education issues vital to the teaching and learning of English language arts.
NCTM's Standards publications and position statements present a vision of appropriate goals for high-quality mathematics teaching and learning. This vision is at the heart of NCTM's efforts to provide guidance and resources for the implementation of research-informed and high-quality teaching that supports the learning of each and every student in equitable environments.
National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: A Framework for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment has been widely and successfully used as a framework for teachers, schools, districts, states, and other nations as a tool for curriculum alignment and development. The standards incorporates current research and suggestions for improvement from many experienced practitioners.
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations. NCES is located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences. NCES fulfills a Congressional mandate to collect, collate, analyze, and report complete statistics on the condition of American education; conduct and publish reports; and review and report on education activities internationally.
UCLA CRESST, is a national research center at the forefront of educational innovation.
CRESST's resources provide methodologies and technologies that are solving today’s most pressing challenges and improving the quality of education across the globe.
The Ohio Department of Education is a diverse team of passionate, education-focused professionals dedicated to fulfilling the vision established in Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for education.
ED's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.