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Graduate Programs: Master of Organizational Leadership (MOL): Finding Non-Scholarly Information

Google Scholar

Make a list of selected citations from Google Scholar by copy/paste into a Word doc or Notepad/Wordpad.  Then consult your Watson Librarian about the strategies for finding these articles and books. 

Google Scholar Search

Using Internet Resources


EVALUATE ALL RESOURCES: The Internet is a huge conglomeration of websites developed by anybody and everybody.  There are no Internet "editors" helping to sort out the good from the bad and the ugly.  That is your job.  With care, you can identify outstanding sites offering primary sources.  You will not be able to easily identify and access the wide range of published scholarly articles you will need for some class projects.  That's when Watson/OhioLINK becomes essential.

1. This YouTube video tutorial covers how to evaluate websites for credibility.  October 20, 2008

2. Website Overview of Techniques for Evaluating Websites [University of California at Berkley Library] 

3. Evaluating Internet Resources [Johns Hopkins University – The Sheridan Libraries]

USE YOUR "FREE PASS": The types of information and resources that you need as a college student and careful scholar definitely include "pay to see" websites that are not included in open Internet searches. Watson Library pays for these research-essential websites so that you do have access. [See Watson's OPAL PROXY gateway] [Hint: Never pay for access or articles until you check with a Watson librarian.]

BE THOROUGH: Open Internet information searches using general search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing are not always appropriate for college assignments. The exception is when you receive a specific Internet URL in class.  Follow your faculty member's directions carefully because they are teaching the standards for excellent research in their disciplines.  "Google is good enough" as your only research strategy is not good enough for college-level research.   

The following Internet links offer some creative ways to use the "open Internet":

Blackboard // Campus Map // Student Success Lounge // WC Homepage // WC Directory // WC Bookstore // WC Portal

Address: Watson Library - Pyle Center Box 1227, Wilmington College, 1870 Quaker Way, Wilmington, OH 45177

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